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1. What is the MD HQL?

Unless otherwise exempt, as of October 1, 2013, a Maryland resident must possess a valid Handgun Qualification License (HQL) before he/she may purchase, rent, or receive a handgun. You do not need a Handgun Qualification License to own a gun you already have.


2. What is learned in a Basic pistol/HQL course?

1. State Firearm Law. Overview of the State firearm laws, including discussion of what constitutes a regulated firearm, how to properly purchase or transfer a firearm, where allowed to carry or transport a firearm, when necessary to possess a carry permit, who is prohibited from possessing firearms, and state law relating to minors, permissible levels of force, and use of deadly force.

2. Home Firearm Safety. Overview of handgun and firearm safety in the home, including discussion of access to minors, locking and storing of firearms, and use of safety devices, such as secure lock boxes.

3. Handgun Mechanisms and Operation. Overview of the proper operation and safe
handling of a handgun, including cleaning and maintenance, the loading and
unloading of ammunition, and the differences between revolvers and semi-automatic handguns.

4. Operation and Handling Demonstration. Orientation component that demonstrates the person’s safe operation and handling of a firearm, to include a “live fire” component in which the applicant safely shoots the weapon. An applicant may not be required to fire in excess of 15 yards during qualifications.


3. How long is a basic pistol/ HQL course?

A basic pistol/ HQL course is 4 hours long.


4. Is there live shooting during a Basic Pistol/ Hql course?

Yes. You will get 10 rounds of 9mm ammunition. Live fire will take place at the end of the class.


5. Do I need to attend both days of a concealed carry course?

Yes. Both days for MD and DC Concealed carry have to be attended. Plus, the allotted range time to shoot your qualification.


6. How can I register for a class?

 See all classes that are currently available.


7. Does the class cost the same if I bring my own ammo, firearm and/or protective gear?

Yes, the class will cost the same if you bring your own ammo, firearm & protective gear. I
provide 10 rounds of ammo for Basic Pistol/ HQL courses & 25 rounds per concealed carry
courses. You are more than welcome to bring additional ammo and shoot if time permits.
*Unless the course or personal session specifies “to bring your own firearm”, please leave your
firearm at home!


8. Is there a waiting list for courses?

There is a wait list for courses if applicable of no more than 5 people.
If a class is full & more spaces become available that information will also be posted on our
social media pages and sent out via our email alerts. Courses are first come, first served.


9. Are men allowed to attend classes?

Yes. Unless specified as Women's only then men are permitted and welcome.


10. Can children attend courses?

Yes. A parent or guardian over 21 will need to sign their waiver for live shooting activities and be
present during their class. I welcome children ages 6 -17.
(The best way to gauge if a child is ready is by asking them and not forcing them. Let them
show you that they are ready to learn. Never make them scared of this activity by forcing them.)


11. Do I teach Private lessons?

Yes, but slots are very limited. Please go to courses and select 1 on 1 training. If you have other questions, please email me directly at


12. Where am I located?

My training courses are located in Forestville Maryland unless classes are specified for another location. All shooting qualifications are done at the local Range in Upper Marlboro, Maryland unless another location is specified under course tab. Please check out our course list for that info.
*We also love traveling so book us for other ranges and events!


13. Do I have to bring my own firearm to class?

No. I will supply the appropriate firearm for your class. For personal lessons please see the
policy page for details.


14. Do I need a permit or experience before attending class?

No. Class is to learn and gain the appropriate knowledge needed to be a safe firearms owners.
Your ultimate goal and comfort level should help to determine which course is right for you.


15. Safety precautions with COVID 19?

As you all know Covid 19 is a serious health risk currently for us all. Upon entry to class, temperatures will be taken. Everything will be sanitized for your safety before class. I will
have lysol, lysol wipes and hand sanitizer for people to use as needed. I ask that if anyone has
had COVID-19 within the last 30 days, has been exposed to COVID 19, caring for someone
who has COVID 19 or if you have recently traveled to a hot spot or out of the country that you
provide a negative COVID test in order to take our courses.

Mask are to be worn at all times during class and people will be asked to leave if they are not
properly wearing one.

If anyone has a cold, fever, sore throat, lost of taste or smell, persistent headaches, coughing, runny nose or any other symptom or health condition that may affect others, we ask that you do not sign up and wait until you are at least 14 days symptom free. Please notify us immediately before class if you have any of these symptoms.


16. What is the dress code for live shooting classes?

Close top shoes are best. Please no sandals or crocs. Please wear a comfortable shirt such as
a tee shirt. Please no spaghetti strap or belly shirts. When doing live shooting, the shells can hit
you and they can burn your skin especially if your skin is exposed. Please ensure that if you
wear glasses that you bring them as you’ll need to see as best you can for all activities. Make
sure that long hair is pulled back to ensure you can see.


17. What do the new law changes mean for people wanting Maryland Wear & Carry License?

Maryland has done away with the “Good and Substantial” Reason for permit. In retrospect, you
no longer have to provide a reason to obtain your MD WCHP. As long as you can pass
Maryland’s background check & have successfully completed your Maryland state approved
Firearm’s course and shooting qualification you then can move on to obtaining fingerprints &
passport photo and submitting your application.


 18. What’s the best course for you?

The course that is right for you depends on a few factors.
1. What area are you a legal resident of?
2. What is your ultimate goal with obtaining training?
Feel free to email me these responses so we can match you up with the correct level


19. Do I get fingerprints done before class?

No, Class is your first step as fingerprints are time sensitive.


20. Do my course completion papers have an expiration date?

Yes. From the date that I sign your certificate and/or course papers they have a time frame in
which you must use them to apply to the proper jurisdiction.
MD HQL- 3 years
MD CCW- 2 years
DC CCW- 1 year
Multi states vary, but the most popular ones give you a year to submit your full application after class.


21. What do I do if I lose my certificate and paperwork after completing a course?

If paper work or certificate is lost it will incur an additional fee of $45 per document.

*Reminder- These documents are to be kept up with as they include my Instructor credentials
and my wet signature. There could be legal ramifications if someone who is not approved to
use these documents gets a hold of them or forged their name upon these papers. Keep up
with your items please!

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